Something Russian Tea Room — Our tea room is filled with samovars, photographs and mementos of the “old country.” Come in, look over our imported tea menu and enjoy a pot of authentic Russian tea and homemade tea dessert.
Russian Raffle — Win some fabulous prizes when you buy tickets for this unique raffle. Get your tickets and deposit in the box for the items you like best (your choice of up to 20 prizes). Just inside the door as you enter the hall.
Russian Imports — Inside the banquet center you will find one of the largest assortments of direct imports from Russia and the Ukraine available anywhere in the United States. We offer a great selection of collectable Matroshka dolls and Kokhloma ware. Credit cards are accepted.
Religious Articles — A large selection of icons, crosses, books and other religious articles are available. They are ideal for any Christian home and make wonderful gifts.
Book Store — presenting literature to further enlighten you in the teachings and practices of the Orthodox Christian faith. Many authors and volumes are offered for sale.
Pysanky —The ancient and skillful art of decorating Easter eggs (pysanky) will be demonstrated throughout the Festival by talented members of our parish. Original, hand-written pysanky, gift items and all the supplies you need to write your own pysanky are available for purchase.
Poonchki —Traditional raised doughnuts are made to order, served hot and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Eat some here and take a dozen home with you.
Country Kitchen — Make a beeline for the Country Kitchen if you like home-baked nut or apricot rolls, kiffle, pastries, breads, paschas, cookies, cakes and candy. All are ready to take home today—enjoy now or freeze for later. Get frozen peroghi here too.
Dessert Island — Individual pastries and delicious sweets are served from this “oasis of sweetness”.
Carry Out — Carry Out available on the left side of the main food line.
Bar/Lounge — Enjoy a Russian beer or Kvass (Russian soda pop with a hint of rye bread flavor). We also have American beers and wine for the less adventurous.